2013年11月24日 星期日

movie. 一代宗師


如同東邪西毒不是武俠片、2046不是科幻片、藍莓夜不是美食片,一代宗師也不是武打片。王家衛跟蒙德里安一樣,始終是藉由各種面貌的主角,演繹他心中對時代、男女的觀點,他是以編劇、作家、詩人觀點來拍電影的導演,f__k their realism。風景到了蒙德里安筆下都變成了幾何構成,在王家衛電影中演出來的故事都是帶著一絲迷離追悔的、曾在大時代黑夜的海上交錯迸生的微光。

  • 表徵 (representation)


擺盪的男性始終是王家衛電影中的原型 (archetype),早期是由更具耽美意象的墮落天使張國榮來扮演(阿飛正傳、春光乍現),梁朝偉原本扮演的是屬於深情等待者/失敗者的角色(重慶森林、東邪西毒、春光乍現、花樣年華),2003 年張國榮死後,梁朝偉的角色在 2046 中也產生了質變,變得更加深沈而展露出一種侵略性,一直延續到這次在一代宗師的角色性格。

章子怡形象或許還是與玉嬌龍強烈連結著,但在一代宗師中翻轉了 2046 裡的小婊子形象,傲嬌的氣質依舊,只是多了許多因時代與故事脈絡而來的道統與包袱。前半段的張狂氣燄,到後半段變得內斂淡然,角色的層次很豐富,最佳女主角應該是因為後半的功勞。

以社會表徵來看,男女間的曖昧、責任與不忠是王家衛的固定命題,也是劇情張力的主要來源之一,2046 集大成的那一系列是文人風景,一代宗師則回歸東邪西毒,試圖從武師的角度表述。愛或不愛,究竟會如何繼續發展下去的不確定性,不斷挑弄著影迷們的心思。肉體可能被社會環境束縛而看似無所作為,但精神上的多情卻是無可抑制的,春光乍現則進一步打破了性別間的 default,下一部片應該建議王導拍個女同性戀或雙性戀題材,老是拿沉默而憂鬱的男人當主角不膩嗎?王菲跟章子怡好了,反正前者已經離婚。

  • 風格

微黃的畫面、清朝服飾、酒樓,非常有海上花的味道,華麗的旗袍、領口細緻的紋理在昏暗的燈光下依稀感覺得出雍容,跟淪陷後的狀況產生強烈的對比(張叔平拿到最佳造型獎)。原本感覺是為了彌補梁朝偉不擅武打而動用的剪接、slow motion技巧,因限制而另闢蹊徑,或許是這次幫電影拿下金馬獎最佳攝影、視覺效果?


東方物件的華麗視覺,配上西方的隆重而富裝飾歌劇配樂,是王家衛自 2046 以來很有趣的手法,若愛情議題是推給文青與女性的賣點,這種東方情調或許是賣給歐美人士的絕佳手法,有一種以現代手法混搭中西傳統的 surprise,開拓了 visual-audio 的新連結。另一個讓人印象深刻的大概就是現代啟示錄裡,柯波拉用華格納女武神跟直升機燒痍彈,在文明高雅與野蠻殘酷間製造的對比。


  • 哲理化的文字

王家衛是編劇出身的,對於文字的敏銳度很高,很多台詞在本質上都有點像散文詩,從早期沒有腳的小鳥開始,太多太多,google「王家衛 電影 語錄」可以找到一堆,越是重複出現的,似乎是想讓人記得越深,像是這次的


2013年6月25日 星期二

poem. Love At First Sight

by Wislawa Szymborska

They're both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is more beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

Since they'd never met before, they're sure
that there'd been nothing between them.
But what's the word from the streets, staircases, hallways--
perhaps they've passed by each other a million times?

I want to ask them
if they don't remember--
a moment face to face
in some revolving door?
perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?
a curt "wrong number"caught in the receiver?--
but I know the answer.
No, they don't remember.

They'd be amazed to hear
that Chance has been toying with them
now for years.

Not quite ready yet
to become their Destiny,
it pushed them close, drove them apart,
it barred their path,
stifling a laugh,
and then leaped aside.

There were signs and signals,
even if they couldn't read them yet.
Perhaps three years ago
or just last Tuesday
a certain leaf fluttered
from one shoulder to another?
Something was dropped and then picked up.
Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished
into childhood's thicket?

There were doorknobs and doorbells
where one touch had covered another
Suitcases checked and standing side by side.
One night. perhaps, the same dream,
grown hazy by morning.

Every beginning
is only a sequel, after all,
and the book of events
is always open halfway through.

2013年6月23日 星期日

SEO 筆記






在 google or 其他 search engine 執行「site: 網域」後,被 indexed 的網頁數量






2013年4月27日 星期六

documentary. Life in Movement

Life in Movement Trailer (OFFICIAL) from Closer Productions on Vimeo.


即使在創作的摸索過程中不免自我質疑,即使帶點歇斯底里與瘋癲,it doesn't matter,至少是個被同事、朋友、家人所深愛、樂於一起工作的人。


9 songs 雖然也同為肢體語言強烈的電影,Life in Movement 帶有一種更真誠的緬懷,像是一種漫長的告別儀式。"she is gone...I can't believe it...let's memorize her...but still need to say goodbye..."




2013年1月21日 星期一

tips. basic grid

How to design quick basic grid:

  1. 決定紙張/顯示區域的大小
  2. 選擇字型:display & body text
  3. 將留白的部份放在邊緣
  4. 側邊界最少 12.7mm,19mm最理想,25mm算優雅,除非情況特殊,超過25mm有點浪費空間
  5. 上下邊界大於側邊界,下邊界大於上邊界
  6. 大量閱讀時,11pt or 12pt 為佳
  7. 長串文字的 leading (上下行距)最少為 body size的 10%,某些字需要更多
  8. 欄寬由 typesize 決定,若一欄內多於 65 characters,要去加寬 margin 和 gutter
  9. 讓 baseline grid 恰是 bodytext (line-space) size,將所有的文字與插圖與 baseline grid 對齊
  10. 將真實的文字填入後,離螢幕一段距離觀察這一頁的 "gray appearance",太黑時可考慮增加 leading,但通常需要在邊界增加留白
  11. 以對頁 (spreads) 的方式進行工作,這樣才能模擬讀者看到的情況;即使是封面,也要想想讀者翻過來看封底的情境
  12. 四邊最少留3mm的出血(bleeds),如果懷疑的話可以留 6mm
  13. 多欄文字時,寬的欄看起來較重要,窄的欄看起來較緊急,選字形的時候要小心不與前面這種第一印象衝突。若需要的話,可在一頁上混搭不同的欄寬。
  14. 頁碼或其他次要因素於此階段可加入考慮,此時可小心地排列以達到設計上的平衡

line-space = typesize + leading

平面設計中最簡單也最有力的觀念就是:所有的文字與插圖都最小的 line-space 鎖在一起,先定好最小的,再讓其他元素跟著變動。"built upwards from the line-space of the smallest typeface to be used in the design

display 的 line-space 應是最小 line-space 的倍數,最小的 line-space 也應是最小的欄間留白(inter-column spacing, gutter),若覺得欄間留白太窄,可酌量加寬。其他display的 inline-spaces應為最小inline-space的整數倍。

minimum line-space = minimum inter-column spacing

mind set:
 grid system 即是以 minimum line-space 為基數的方格紙,minimum line-space 需依照選用的字型變換 leading 決定,無固定公式。通常與最小的可讀文字段落有關,註解可視情況另外考慮。

Object/ Path/ Split into grid

reference: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Grids-Structure-Graphic-Design-Pro-graphics/dp/2880462770

2013年1月18日 星期五

The Chair: Design Diversity and the Nature of Connections

"The connections, the connections. It will in the end be these details that gave the product its life."

"Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects, etc., ...the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se."

...Charles and Ray Eames

The concept of connections is intrinsic to design and nowhere more so than in the design of chairs. No other type of furniture offers the possibilities of making and facilitating connections in the same way or to the same extent. Because of this, more effort and more resource have been invested in the creation of chairs by more people over a longer period of time than any other type of furniture. Indeed, apart from possibly the automobile, the chair is the most designed studied written about and celebrated artifact of the modern era.

The success of a particular chair has always depended on the quality and range of the connections it makes, or which the designer is able to make through it, while addressing a specific need.


  1. Persona 彼此間越不同越好(diverse)。
  2. Persona 之間的差異應建立在深層的人格特質上,即 what people do (actions or projected actions) and why people do them (goals and motivations)。任何 Persona 最重要的元素,都是「藉由民族誌研究與分析所獲得的行為模式 (behavior patterns)」以及「從這些行為模式衍生的目標」。
  3. 人口統計變數 (demographics) 是 diversify persona 的一種可能依據,但並非絕對,因年齡、性別、收入等,確實有許多機會造成行為與動機上的改變。
  4. 引述 (quote) 使用者自己說的話,可讓 persona的形象更為鮮明。
  5. 對大部分的專案而言,Persona 的數量應介於 1~7人之間,超過會造成區分與設計整合上的困難。Persona的數量若想含括所有可能的使用者,反而容易失焦,無法專注於設計核心行為。
  6. 設定好Persona之後,為每個角色找一張看得到臉的人物照,可以為關於這些角色的敘述注入生命,讓他們更容易被記住,同時也能讓設計師與利益關係人感受到Persona的真實性,並對該角色更有共鳴。
  7. 若不被設計師放入 Scenario 內,檢驗服務或產品的合適性與實用性,純粹的Persona 本身是無用的。
  8. 設計師與企業都可利用 Persona 來設定優先順序,產品主要使用者的Persona未必能為企業帶來最多的利潤,其他的 Persona 可能會讓企業賺更多錢。Persona 因此可用來作策略決定。

Alan Cooper developed a powerful design method: meet the persona's top goals with the product by designing for their behaviors, and the design is much more likely to be successful

persona goals into three types: 
  1. Experience goals, which describe how users wish to feel (or not to feel) when using a product; 
  2. End goals, which describe what users actually want or need to accomplish with a product to meet their expectations; 
  3. Life goals, which describe the broader aspirations of the persona in relation to the product, and thus help describe what the product means to the persona.
It's this focus on goals and behavior patterns, combined with a scenario-based method of translating these requirements into design solutions, that makes Cooper's personas so unique and powerful.